
Talking Body Listening Hands – The seminar

How we communicate with our clients is just as important as any neuromuscular technique. When we forget to clarify our actions or assume that clients understand our intent, we can set ourselves up for real misunderstanding, grief and awkwardness.

Massage Therapy for Clients with a History of Trauma or PTSD

This engaging 2 day seminar provides an opportunity for participants to learn about trauma-informed massage therapy. Day 1 focuses on familiarizing participants with theory and neuroscience associated with trauma. Day 2 explores interview techniques, assessment and appropriate therapeutic responses for clients who live with the consequences of trauma.

Fundamentals for Ethical Decision-Making: Practicing professionally regardless of personal belief

This half-day seminar provides an opportunity for participants to solve the kinds of ethical challenges that occur in day to day practice. It includes lecture, Q and A as well as games, small and large group discussions and roleplay to ensure that participants learn how to employ a decision-making strategy that supports professionalism.

Communication Skills for Client-Centered Care

This half-day seminar helps participants to employ effective interviewing skills and to use observation as a means of assessment. It demonstrates how communication supports client-centered decisions and shows how common distortions and barriers to communication contribute to conflict and ethical challenges.

Teaching Massage Therapy Professionalism: Where to begin?

Professional practice education can be extremely challenging for MT faculty because it requires students to embrace professional values, attitudes and skills that are not grounded in manual techniques. This 1 day seminar imparts valuable skills and provides rich opportunities to view MT professional practice education through the lens of adult learning. The seminar relies on transformative learning theory, authenticity, informal and embodied learning. Participants are encouraged to share their classroom questions and problems.

Other seminars in development:

Fostering Critical Thinking in Massage Therapy

If you are interested in having Pam present a seminar that addresses current issues outside of these topics, please contact her directly to discuss.


Watch Pam's video


Pam Fitch introduces her book Talking Body, Listening Hands: A Guide to Professionalism, Communication and the Therapeutic Relationship.


RMTAO: TWO DAY workshop

June 17-18, 2023
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Algonquin College

Talking Body Listening Hands: Massage Therapy for Clients with a History of Trauma or PTSD.
Presented by: Pam Fitch

Learn More



Massage Therapy Canada: A 6-part webinar series for practicing massage therapists.
Facilitator: Pam Fitch

Watch the introductory video




If you are interested in hosting TBLH in your area, please contact Pam at